Plastic Jesus: the Way, the Truth, and the Art of Installation.


Hailing from the City of Angels, Plastic Jesus (aka “The Banksy of L.A.*”), has already made a name for himself with his globally-popular “Stop Making Stupid People Famous” stencil, which I find to be utterly ingenious and totally apt at this point in time, as we obsess over the most inept humans the media can deliver. His humorous approach to the controversial subjects he expresses views on is rife with irony and teems with sarcasm, as he stabs at various topics in the political, social and economic fields. He’s made jabs at Governor Chris Christie, the Oscars, Lance Armstrong, Chick-fil-A, religion, consumerism, capitalism, gay marriage… the list goes on. Basically, no one is safe from his scathing criticism.

His recent installation work is not only adding a third dimension to his repertoire, it’s expanding the basis of how he executes his ideas, and puts his pieces in more conspicuous and unavoidable locations that the public cannot overlook, engaging them further than just a simple stencil on a wall. A couple of my favourites so far are the “Best Buy’s Useless Plasticbox 1.2” series and the ever-popular “American Excess” piece that juxtaposes the idea of credit, consumerism and drug addiction. There’s no avoiding the conversation with the way he throws it down – he creates a new context for opinion and social criticism. No wonder most of the top news publications have been chasing this dude down and featuring him in articles.

The fact that he is also associated with the Los Angeles Youth Network, helping runaway and homeless youth, and attempts to work in the most ethical manner possible, trying to make as minimal an impact to the environment as possible, is just the icing on the cake. His website even mentions, “If you find a piece of Plastic Jesus art on your building and you don’t want it there please email Plastic Jesus and one of the removal team will be there to remove it and make good.”

What a guy. Love it! Can’t wait to see what he does next.

To learn more about Plastic Jesus and follow his antics, visit his website.

144-600x337 plastic-jesus-plasticbox-best-buy-2American Excess - London 20/12/2013. Brompton Road Knightsbridge. Opposite Harrods. banksy-pj Christmas Wish cliff-11-768x1024 Enlightenment Google Street view man hits melrose by Plastic Jesus. Our lives have become so integrated with technology. It's sometime nice to juxtopose the two... Google Street view man hits melrose by Plastic Jesus. Our lives have become so integrated with technology. It's sometime nice to juxtopose the two... Happy Valentines day! IMG_0194-768x1024 photo 5 PJ-credit-trap-103-1024x683 Drains to ocean PJ-money-drain-LR-1-800x533 PJ-Shroud-of-Turin-300-642x800 PJ-STOP-ROAD-MARKINGS-101 PJ-UXE-101 plastic-jesus-no-kardashians-11 RoboLove stern-trayvon-martin-streetart-in-LA-101-1024x683 Stop Making Stupid People Famous (Part 2) Toxic Hazard



  1. snippetysnippets said:

    Reblogged this on Snippety Snippets! and commented:
    Great post, great blog. Some amazing street art…

    • Thanks a lot! It’s something I’m super passionate about 🙂

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